Re: PCOS and Insulin resistence

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Posted by on June 16, 19100 at 10:09:57:

In Reply to: PCOS and Insulin resistence posted by Tracy on June 13, 19100 at 21:13:00:

Tracy, things may not be as bad as you think. PCOS can in up to 30% of cases be associated with a high Prolactin level; however, the tumor is the likely source. These levels can be medically controlled. As for the 50 extra pounds, there are ways to help you, both dietary and medical. Don't lose hope since much of what you have can be resolved. Best of luck!

: I have a dr's appt. on friday to find out if this is what I have. I have been crying everyday because I want a child of my own so desperately which probably doesn't help conception. I was also wondering if anyone knows if a prolactin tumor would have any correlation with pcos. I had surgery to have a pituitary tumor removed and still have not been able to get pregnant I am at least 50pds overweight and nothing seems to get the weight off and I am afraid a child will never be in my future any comments please.
: Thankyou and god bless.
: Tracy

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