Posted by Vicky on May 12, 19100 at 17:16:58:
I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS after a 1-1/2
years of trying to successfully achieve pregnancy. I was
amazed when my husband and I met with our newly
referred Endocrinologist for a little over an hour and
was diagnosed within that time. Why couldn't my regular
OBGYN have seen these symptoms in the years of trying?
I have completed all of the blood work that was ordered
by the Dr. and everything came back normal. My Insulin
was normal but on the 'high end' of being normal so he
felt that confirmed my PCOS diagnosis.
He has prescribed Actose to be taken with my Clomid for
next month.
I'm confused about the insulin level being normal but
him prescribing Actose. Does this mean that I am