Posted by on May 09, 19100 at 06:59:20:
In Reply to: What is the first step in diagnosing PCOS? posted by Linda Lorie on May 07, 19100 at 19:45:23:
: It seems that PCOS is what I have. My symptoms are classic. I have talked with my doctor about it and she suggested that I just stay on the birth control pill and seemed to blow the whole thing off. What tests can be done to diagnose PCOS?
PCOS is a constellation of symptoms that includes anovulation (not making an egg each month and therefore not getting your period) as well as evidence of increased androgens (hormones that cause excessive hair loss and in some, hair loss) as well as insulin resistance in some people. Depending on your symptoms and your desire to get pregnant workups and treatments will vary. You should seek a second opinion if you feel you have unresolved issues or speak again with your physician. Basic testing often includes analysis of prolactin and thyroid function, and in some patients, insulin resistance. Treatment really dpends on your specific symptoms and pregnancy desires. In many patients, birth control pills are an excellent choice of therapy.