Rezulin Rescue & Can we start new support groups in other states?

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Posted by on April 23, 19100 at 22:59:42:

I am 25 years old, and I was diagnosed with PCOS 1 year ago. I have since been collecting all the information I can possibly find. I am convinced that my mother has the same thing; she is now dealing with diabetes, and has gone through many trial-and-error treatments. She was prescribed Rezulin before the drug was pulled from the market for the death toll. She said it made her feel sick, so she stopped taking the samples, and never filled the prescription. (Thank God for Women's Intuition!!!) Her doctor, who normally would have been chastising her to the ends of the earth, has FINALLY started listening to her.

Most of my symptoms are common. (bearded lady, overweight, irregular menses...) But they are all also present in my mother, and she has more advanced stages of some symptoms because of age. I would like to hear about books or articles on the subject of PCOS. I would like to be able to have a battle plan when I enter my next doctor visit, and I would benefit from having other researchers' findings.

I have a friend who sent me the article from LHJ over e-mail, and I am thankful. We are becoming our own support group, and have talked extensively on the subject. I will be sending her to this website!

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