Posted by kelly on April 16, 19100 at 22:42:40:
I have been taking Metformin for a little over 4 months now. It seemed to have improved my response to the meds in that it appeared more controlled 2 - 3 mature follicels as apposed to 5 or more during an iui. A change in res prob also helped. I had a lap back in March and after my 2 week checkup was given provera to induce af. I never got af and went in for b/w, I was told that I had ovulated. I got af 2 weeks after they suspected I ovulated. This is first ovualtion since going off bcp in over 2 YEARS. Is this a good sign? I will not be starting a new iui cycle due to a vacation planned but I am wondering if I should go in to RE as planned after vacation to start a cycle or see if I ovulate again. I have heard that met can make some pcosers ovualate. Will I now ovuale on a regular basis? Is that unheard of? Its just we have done quite a few iuis w/ gonal f already and were approaching the decision to do ivf for a second time. i did ivf last summer.
I guess my basis question is whether I would be wasting my time waiting to see if I ovualte or I am I beter off doing a iui with gonal f? Thanks.