PCOS: Dr. Please answer

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Posted by on April 04, 19100 at 13:09:49:

My mother just had me read the article in LHJ. Could I possibly have PCOS. I am currently 28 years old. Here is my story.
When I was a teenager I was put on the pill to hopefully regulate my sporatic mentrual cycle, back then I would have a cycle about every 3-4 months. However they were never heavy.
In my early 20's my periods became nearly non existant and(maybe once a year). I also began growing coarse facial hair on my chin and on my neck just below my jaw line and there has also been an increase in the amount of fine facial hair on my cheeks and upper lip. I also began gaining weight. When I was 18 I was 5'6" and a lean 165lbs, muscular. Thats another thing I need to be very careful when I start a weight lifting program because my muscles bulk up easily (like a mans). Could that be because of increased male hormone levels? I had my son when I was 23 and after that I did not have a period for two years and after that and still today I only have it 1-2 times a year, and they are much heavier than ever before. After my son was born I weighed 185lbs. I have exercised regularly up until a year ago and watched what I ate, tried several diets and I currently weigh 240lbs. At the beginning of this year I weighed 200lbs. I started a exercise program focusing on resistance training and aerobic exercise to limit bulking up muscles and a low carbohydrate diet. 30 days later I had gained 40lbs, Something is definitely wrong here. Another problem I have had since my son was born is aching muscles and joints to a point of hardly being able to lift my son at times. My doctor said I have Fibromyalgia? I have done further studyinig about the aching joints and muscles and found that it could be caused by hyperinsulinemia, I have noticed that when I eat any carbs within 30minutes my body is aching. It is a crippling feeling. When I visit with my doctor about my symptoms he just says that the reason I don't have a period and the reasons my body aches is because I am overweight, yet trying to lose weight just made me get worse, now what? Dr. Please give me some answers and direction I am losing hope.

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