Re: pcos and egg quality

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Posted by Martha on March 31, 19100 at 08:36:11:

In Reply to: pcos and egg quality posted by Kelly on March 30, 19100 at 19:02:28:

: I was just curious if it was a given that those of us with pcos will have poor egg quality. If that is the case am I wasting my time with iui's. I have done 3 iuis, 1 ivf that was the result of overstimulating for an iui cycle and 2 fets. The last 2 iuis were with an new re who seems to better able to manage my cycle and more knowledgeable about pcos. (ie I have been on met for 3 months). I just had a lap (HSG indicated maybe some scarring). Lap indicated nothing in tubes or uterus so RE's reccommendations are to do 2 more iuis (feels met really only effect for last iui) and then if still not pg ivf again. We really are going to have to pull together financially for ivf and then if it fails I don't know what we would do. I guess I am just fishing for answers as to why nothing has worked. I am totally annovulatory w/o injectables. Thanks
: Kelly
Kelly, don't know if it is universal to have poor egg quality with PCOS but my experience was that making too many eggs ( a result of PCOS) usually means bad quality eggs. After going to one clinc for IUI's and 3 failed IVF's I switched to NYU -- their goal was for me to make less egss (what I believe is known as the "low and slow" approach. Not only did that work, I got pregnant on my first IVF try there (four embryos transfered - one healthy baby) My suggestion would be to make sure you are going to the best lab and dr you can find due to the financial (and emotional) restraint.

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