Dear Friend:
You may not realize it, but you have been an important part of the effort to help people with infertility. Even if you have sought help for yourself, you have supported a movement that has also helped thousands of others. And you have helped to raise greater awareness about infertility in the media, government and business.
Your support has helped to fulfill a very important mission, and that's why we are so pleased to announce an important change that will make even more support available for people who experience infertility.
Effective September 2, 1999, RESOLVE of New York City has changed its name to The American Infertility Association (AIA). We are independent non-profit organization and will no longer be affiliated with National RESOLVE.
The American Infertility Association will be dedicated to helping anyone hoping to build a family and coping with reproductive disease.
Our new name and our status as a New York-based national non-profit organization are natural extensions of the changes seen in recent years. We have grown into a nationally recognized voice for those with infertility, and our services to members, materials, and patient programs have wide and expanding impact beyond the New York city area. Our organization is reaching a larger audience, and our vision has grown beyond the scope of a local chapter. Our new name and status reflect this.
With this change, we hope to broaden our mission even further to include funding research, prevention, expanded outreach, and support for people with reproductive disease before, during and after their child bearing years. Our work on the effort to pass legislation for the insurance coverage of infertility will continue.
As always, you will be able to depend on us for patient meetings, symposia, special educational series, support groups, the telephone helpline, newsletter, medical referrals, resource directory and much more. You can even reach us at the same number and address. Our board of directors and support group leaders remain the same dedicated group of individuals. With the continuing dedication of so many important people, this change will give us a wonderful opportunity to reach out nationally and forge alliances that will mean even more effective advocacy and awareness initiatives.
Current members of RESOLVE NYC will have their memberships automatically converted to membership in The American Infertility Association (AIA). When you renew your membership with AIA, you will continue to have access to all of the local support we hope you have found helpful in the past. You will also be supporting a dynamic and growing movement to help even more people face the challenge of infertility successfully.
Change like this is never easy. But we are taking advantage of an important opportunity to help even more people who want so much to have a family. Please stay with us and continue to be a part of this important effort. The family of people helping others in this way has never been more necessary. And our opportunity to make a difference has never been more visible.
If you have any questions, please call our helpline.
Pamela Madsen
Executive Director
The American Infertility Association