Heidi: hi dawnne
Heidi: hi melissa
Dave: Hi all. Please excuse me :)
I'm checking to make sure the chatroom is okay for the scheduled chat tonight.
MelissaGA: Hello Heidi

MelissaGA: Dave - time is off in the room - it is about 14 minutes early
Heidi: melissa hong have u been ttc?
dawnne: Hi Heidi
MelissaGA: forever... I havent been on bcp's for about 7 years but I didn't start trying seriously until 2 years ago
Dave: It's my server clock. I need to fix that. I've gotten behind with some of my duties lately. :)
Heidi: melissa what are your symptoms?
MelissaGA: bad techie! you need one of those atomic clocks
Heidi: uh oh Dave :)
Dave: hehehehe
Not enough time in the day. :)
I'll try to set it this weekend. :)
MelissaGA: I was diagnosed with PCOS in September 1999. My right fallopian tube is damaged and completely blocked. I have had 2 pregnancies, 2 miscarriages. 1st miscarriage was a blighted ovam, 2nd m/c was no fetal heartbeat at 7 weeks
Heidi: wow sorry to hear that..i have never been pg..i am in the 2ww now had iui#3 on monday
Dave: I hope you enjoy the chat tonight.
Dr. Thatcher is an extremely nice person. :)
Well. Time for me to get out of here.
Have a pleasant evening. :)

MelissaGA: B-BYE!
MelissaGA: I guess I am lucky because I can get pregnant... I just don't stay pregnant. DO you have PCOS?
Heidi: Yeah I have pcos...I hate it too..if i dont get pg this cycle i am having ovarian drilling done sept 1
eagle: When will Dr. Thatcher be on?
MelissaGA: I'm just doing the met and Avandia
MelissaGA: 8:00pm eastern
Heidi: 8 eagle
eagle: Heidi, what will ovarian drilling do for you?
Heidi: what are your symptoms melissa?
Heidi: well it will allow my ovaries to "breath" a bit,,hopefully i will start to ov on my own
MelissaGA: I was diagnosed with PCOS in September 1999. My right fallopian tube is damaged and completely blocked. I have had 2 pregnancies, 2 miscarriages. 1st miscarriage was a blighted ovam, 2nd m/c was no fetal heartbeat at 7 weeks

Heidi: I know but what are your pcos sypmtoms?
Heidi: whats a blighted ovum?
MelissaGA: overweight, hairy, elevated insulin level, polycystic ovaries... i'm a little different because I have normal menstral cycles
MelissaGA: blight ovam = no gestational sac = chemical pregnancy
eagle: Wow, Melissa, I've never heard of a PCO with normal menstral cycles!
Heidi: ooo...i just have iregg af...only a weight prom when i get comphy with my man..other than that nothing
Heidi: I know eagle, i have never heard of that either!
MelissaGA: my RE says that my body has been able to fight the PCOS and have a cycle... before met it was a 35 day cycle...now it is 26
Heidi: we gonna be the only ones tonight?
dawnne: Let's hope not! lol
Heidi: hi midge
MelissaGA: it's early
Heidi: its 8 here
MelissaGA: it's 7:45- the clock is wrong in this chat room
MelissaGA: what are your symptoms Heidi
Heidi: no af....and a bit of a weight prob
Midge: Hi everyone!
MelissaGA: infertility?
Heidi: hi midge
MelissaGA: Hi Midge!
dawnne: hi midge
Heidi: ???
Midge: Anybody ttc?
MelissaGA: I am
dawnne: and trying and trying...
Heidi: i am midge..its been 16mos for me
Midge: How long Melissa? me?--3 years
lynne: Hello!
dawnne: hi lynne
MelissaGA: 7 years off bcp, seriously trying for 2 years
Midge: mmm? 16 mo? You must be about the point of injectibles & IUI? Am I right?
lynne: I have been ttc also..
Steph: hello :-)

lynne: anyone doing the injectibles?
Heidi: this is my 3rd cycle of follistim had iui#3 on monday...if no pg, i am having ovarian drilling sept 1
lynne: Hi Steph..
dawnne: hi steph
Heidi: hi steph!
Midge: been there, done that, Lynne. But, I'm willing to answer questions.
lynne: I myself am on a rest cycle after my first repronex/iui cycle
Midge: I just went through my first IVF cycle. Found out Monday it didn't work. We're planning on FET this next cycle.
lynne: Apparently I'm not your typical PCOS patient..no insulin problems or weight problems, no acne..but my ovaries had an explosive PCOS type reaction to the Repronex..PLus, my cycles are nowhere near normal and they never have been. PLus, I have hyperprolactinemia...can anyone else relate?
Midge: But, we're going to look into adoption as well.
Heidi: whats FET?
Midge: Are you young, lynne?
lynne: Midge...I could be nearing IVF in the future...Was the egg retrieval procedure scary? I'm sorry it didn't work :(
Steph: I am new to all of this I was just dx with PCOS.

dawnne: No Lynne, classic pcos here
MelissaGA: I can relate to not being a normal PCOS... I have regular menstral cycles
rosie: hello all! ttc for 14 mos possible PCo with male factor( poor motil/morph great count) I am 29 dh 28. i am starting clomid for the first time tomorrow and have HSG on Tuesday. I do not have any sumptoms of PCO except LH and FSh are reversed. Anyone have similar If histroy?
Midge: FET--Frozen Embryo Transfer (We have 7 embryos left from the IVF)
lynne: Hi Sandy..Hi Julie. I am 27..how about everyone else here?
Sandi: Hello

Steph: I am 24
dawnne: 31, dh 33
rosie: Melissa GA me too!! how are your BBT's and OPK's Mine are great.
Julie: I am almost 23....
Sandi: I'm 27 too. Diagnosed PCOS about 2 years ago after undergoing infertility treatments.

MelissaGA: I'm 33
Heidi: I'm 25
Julie: Hello all.. oh yeah forgot about Dh... he is 27 I am almost 23 been ttc for almost 5 years the last 3 years VERY seriously
Pamela: Welcome everybody! I see that Dr. Thatcher has made it here before me! Welcome Dr. Thatcher and Thank You for coming!
MelissaGA: Rosie - I got pregnant on just met... but lost it... so I would say that BBT's and OPK's are good... but I don't do the OPK's
Sandi: Haven't done much since then. Decided against IVF/ICSI and adopted a daughter. Now decided to start researching PCOS in depth and start seeing my RE again
Midge: lynne--IVF was scary for the retrieval, but after finding out the neg. results 4 days ago, I'm ready to do it again if the FET doesn't work!--So it must not be that bad!
rosie: looks like most of us have at least age on our side!
Julie: Hi Dr Thatcher, Hi Pamela
lynne: Did anyone else get their AF late? I was 16 when I got it and it's never been regular a day since (well, except the 5 years I was on the pill..then it was like clockwork!) and it's so weird but this month I'm right back on the pill for my rest cycle. I think my body is getting angry at all these new drugs I'm taking recently. Between the Dostinex, Repronex, the pill, Ibuprofen (for my hideous cramps this month) and of course Folic Acid (since you never know..)
Sandi: Hi Dr. Thatcher
MelissaGA: Hello Dr. Thatcher
Julie: lynne, just the opposite.. got it early.. age 11.. it was always irregular.. I knew we would have difficulties
Midge: Hi Dr. Thatcher!
Pamela: This is a question and answer chat on PCOS. Dr. Thatcher will take questions on a first come basis. If your question does not get answered right away please post again! Sometimes the questions fly by while the doctor is answering another one. To keep up with the chat please keep hitting refresh! Welcome Dr. Thatcher! Are you ready???
lynne: Welcome Pamela and welcome Dr. Thatcher!
rosie: Melissa, di they put you on Met right away or did you try clomid? Are you IR? I just had Insulin test yetsrday, but no results yet. Sorry to hear about loss!
Heidi: Hi Dr Thatcher, Hi Pamela
MelissaGA: My RE did met. My OB/GYN did clomid unsucessfully
rosie: Julie, I got Af late too 2 mos after turning 17. You?
MelissaGA: Yes I am IR
Pamela: Does anybody have a question for Dr Thatcher?
Midge: Dr. Thatcher--how does a slight endo problem effect a PCO from getting the embryo to attach? Does it effect it?
Julie: rosie, no I got it at age 11...
rosie: Dr Thatcher day 21 progest was 15. I sthat low or normal and does that mean that my egg definitely burst through ovarian wall?
Heidi: I do Pam
rosie: melissa, did you have any symptoms that are related to IR?
Steph: I was just recently dx with pcos and I am wondering if all women with pcos are IR? What is the best treatment for PCOS? (I am concerned with the weight gain 40lbs in 1 year, acne, and hair growth!)
Pamela: Just ask Heidi----I havent' heard from Dr. Thatcher yet, but I assume that he is with us!
Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...
Heidi: Dr Thatcher...can u tell me if PCOS womas eggs are just a good as a woman with normal cyles? Thanks
Pamela: Dr. Thatcher, if you are having difficulty, please phone me and I will talk you through this!
Carm: I have a question for DR. Thatcher. I am PCOS and my treatment is a cominatin of Estrace, Clomid, Fertinorm and Metformin. My estrogen always seems to drop at around day 10. We manage to get it up again, but it always drops just before ovulation. I do not have a problem producing follicles, but the estrogen is never enough for them. Can you tell me why my estrogen drops like this EVERY TIME?
Sarah: Doctor is a fasting glucose and fasting insulin sufficient to diagnose insulin resistance?
MelissaGA: hold up ladies... dr. thatcher seems to be a little behind on the questions!
rosie: who started AF late in life?
Pamela: Is this AIA's Ellen?
lynne: Rosie..Me! I was 16..you too?
StacyD: can one of you ladies tell me the signs of PCOS
Carm: How does this work - do we stay on this chat room until out question(s) are answered?
dawnne: irregular af, hair growth, weight gain, IR
Pamela: Ladies and Gent's, this is Dr. Thatcher's first chat, and I am not sure if he is having technical difficulties.....Dr. Thatcher.....Are you there? I see your name as logged in, but I haven't heard your voice....Can you send me a sign?
rosie: Lynne I got AF almost exactly 2 mos after truning 17 in January. I also had ultra sound done around Jan to see why AF had not started, but all was normal. You?
StacyD: what is IR
margie: DR thatcher..please give me advice..im 43 and keep gaining weight..i eat all the right things..i take metformin and aldactone..any great suggestions..my cycle is regularly irregular as well..with 8-10 periods per year..margie
Andi: I'm new to this... what is AF and IR?
Midge: Carm--I was first to ask a question and it hasn't been answered, so I think Dr. is having 'puter problems.
DanWen: Hi Everyone
dawnne: insulin resistance
Carm: Thanks MIdge - I am so new to this.
Sarah: IR= insulin resistant
dawnne: af is "aunt flow"... period
Julie: StacyD well i can tell you what I have.. no ovulation and no periods unless induced by prover (to get a period) or injectable medications to get ovulation, male pattern balding, insulin resistance, acne, skin tags, terrible weight gain, and cannot seem to get the weight back off!
lynne: My first ultrasound showed a lot of small follicles but I had no outward signs of PCOS like acne, weight gain, that sort of thing. I recently found out that my prolactin is elevated (49). Have you had that checked yet?
rosie: StacyD classic signs are obesity, excessive body hair, annovulation lack of AF, BUT some people, me included, do not have the classic symptoms.
StacyD: how do you know you are insulin resistance? Do you check your blood like a diabetic?
Pamela: This chat is suppose to work by people asking the doctor questions, and the doctor will try to answer all the questions humanly possible in a little over an hour. You have to hit refresh to keep up with the chat. I am however a little worried about our speaker tonight, as he is logged in but I haven't heard his voice yet...
Carm: Hi Ladies - do any of you have problems with your estrogen levels? Mine always drops - does this happen to you?
DanWen: brb
rosie: Anyone, are there any signs/symptoms that point to IR, or just bloodwork? I had bloodwork (fasting insulin and glucose) yesterday. I will get the results soon.
Midge: Pamela, can you phone him?
erika77: Pamela--you're a trooper. Perhaps if we all send our good thoughts to Dr Thatcher...
Sarah: For those of you taking aldactone, what is your dosage?
MelissaGA: He's not showing up under my 'users present'
Corey: Well, even without Dr. Thatcher, you are all so knowledgeable and supportive of each other, its still a great chat.
ariel: Hello all!
Does anyone know about a high total testosterone level in women?
Sandi: Ladies - I was dx with PCOS about 2 years ago but didn't pursue any treatment. Now I'm ready to get on the 'bandwagon' but I'm not sure where to start (I have a great RE and will be making an appt to see him soon) Any good places to start learning more about this?

rosie: Lwalters are you Lisa from Easton?
MelissaGA: www.pcosupport.org
erika77: Yeah, Thatcher's gone!
MelissaGA: www.ivf.com
kstrand: has anyone done research on why this is happening?
margie: hi..this is margie..i take 100mg in am and 100mg in pm..works well at reducing hair grwth,,but did have side effects such as more swollen enlarged breasts
Steph: Sandi the best place to get info (JMHO) is pcosupport.org that is how I found out about this. It is nice to finally know what is wrong with me!
Julie: rosie, always thirsty.. always having to go to the bathroom, and the skin tags
rosie: I think we scared Thatcher!
Pamela: Folks!!!! I have Dr. Thatcher on the phone...I am going to log out and then come back as Dr. Thatcher!! He is having computer trouble and I am going to be working with him via telephone, so things may be a little slower!!! hang in there,,we will get going soon!!!!
Carm: Sandi - come to java chat - log onto fertilethoughts.com an go into infertility - then java chat. It's a live chat room (no quite the same as this). YOu will learn tons
Andi: skin tags? I have those... are those a sign of PCOS?
dawnne: Julie, are you saying those are signs of IR?
Sarah: Thanks Margie, my doctor gave me only 25mg twice a day.
Nellie: Does anyone have the brown spots on your face -- like age spots --I'm 36 --that are supposedly from insulin resistance?

rosie: Julie, are those classic IR symptoms/signs or just what you experienced. Also were your periods regular once Af started. Mine have always been. Never skipped a cycle.
erika77: Woo-hoo!
DrThatcher: Hello everybody!! Sorry for the problems, but here I am!!!
Carm: Hi Dr. Thatcher
Steph: Dr Thacher I was just recently dx with pcos and I am wondering if all women with pcos are IR? What is the best treatment for PCOS? (I am concerned with the weight gain 40lbs in 1 year, acne, and hair growth!)
Heidi: Hi Dr Thatcher, can u tell me if woman with pcos have just as good eggs as woman with normal cyles? Thx
Midge: Dr. Thatcher--Can you tell me if there are side effects with the endo on a PCO woman. I've had problems having the embryo attaching in IVF.
StacyD: here is what I have been having maybe someone can tell me if they think I may have PCOS or maybe endo. We have done 6 IUI and 4 IVF with ICSI we have male facotr. With all the fertility drugs I have gained over 120 pounds and my eating habits have not changed and I can not ge the weight off. I do ovulate and my Af are about 30 days apart. I have alot of pain in my ovarian area and have alot of pain the two weeks after ovualting and during my AF. My GYN sent me to have a colonascopy to see if I had a problem with my colon and it check out fine. Oh too since all the fertility I have a huge problem with loose stools.
DrThatcher: Please repost your questions!!!
kstrand: is there any research on why this is happening to women? or How it is happening?

lynne: Hi Dr!
margie: sarah..yes i started with 50 mg twice a day aldactone..suggest 100 mg twice a day..margie
rosie: Dr Thatcher I had bloodwork done on cd 21. Progest was 15 is that normal. Also does that mean that i definitely ovulated and that egg burst through ovarian wall?
Julie: Andi, they can be!

Dawne, they are for me
StacyD: I also have alot of skin tags on my neck
DrThatcher: StacyD---have you had a lap?
Marisa: Dr. Thatcher I am wondering how long to give met to start working before going on to other things. I have been on it for just over one month now with no period yet. Thank you.
Sarah: Thanks Margie, it did seem too low to me.
Julie: rosie, those are the classics.. no I dont get af or ovulate without drugs
Carm: I am PCOS and my treatment is a combination of Estrace, CLomid, Fertinorm and MEtformin. My estrogen always drops, without fail, at around day 8 or9. We manage to get it up again using the Fertinorm, but it always drops just before ovulation. I dont have a problem producing follicles but the estrogen is never enough for them. Can you explain why this happens every time?

Steph: Stacy I do too, I just recently found out that is supposed to be a sign of IR. But my endo says that I am not! I had a fasting insulin and glucose test.
MelissaGA: Marisa: give it 6 months IMHO. 3 months at least
DrThatcher: Midge--it is probably an issue of egg--embryo quality that is hampering implantation. Egg quality is poor in PCOS.
StacyD: Dr. Thatcher I did have a HSG
rosie: Julie Thanks. I do not have those signs. Are you still on met? Also how is dh?
dawnne: Dr Thatcher, I am CLASSIC pcos, can you tell me any signs of IR? Thanks
Sarah: Steph, that's all I had done also, but I heard 5 hr GTT is better
LKP: Does met increase egg quality significantly
Victoria: Dr Thatcher, does your new book address not only the symptoms of pcos, but also possible treatments?
StacyD: Dr. Thatcher do you think I have endo?
Julie: rosie, no prob.. I dont take Met.. it made my IR worse... I am on Actos for the IR.. and it has helped wonderfully! Dh is fine
DrThatcher: Carmen--the most common cause of estrodial drop is an early LH surge. The second most common is poor egg/follicle quality.
rosie: victoria there's a PCO book????
Midge: Dr. T.--Does it matter that I had 2 A-'s & 1 B+ in embryo quality?
Marisa: Melissa -- thanks. I have script with refills for a year but was just wondering (I am already at 1500mg/day).
lynne: Dr. Thatcher? How can you tell if egg quality is poor. I know I have a good ovarian reserve (day 3 FSH is 4.29). PLus, I have seen all the eggs that my ovaries produced on Repronex (6 mature follies..none took this month tho)....
rosie: Julie my dh has great count but poor motil and morph. Good luck
DrThatcher: Victoria--In it's 500 pages little is left out!
Nellie: Dr. T.

What is the name of your book?
MelissaGA: I'd like to hear a little about PAI-1 and PCOS. I just had a m/c (7 weeks no fetal heartbeat)and I am concerned about the blood clotting. I am on one baby aspirin a day.
Julie: rosie, mine has been like that also.. the count is ok but the motility is low...
Carm: Thanks for the response. We monitor my LH and it does not surge. So then, the only explanation would be poor egg quality. Does this mean IVM is the only way to go. ALso, I heard that if I am "bombarding" my system with estrogen (Estrace and CLomid) the natural producing estrogen factor in the body might turn themselves off due to "Confusion". Is this right?

rosie: Dr T is day 21 progest count of 15 good or bad? also is that indicative of successful ovul. ( burst through ovarian wall)?
Heidi: Dr T...I have been on 9 cycles of clomid, and 3 cycles of Injects I am having ovarian drilling sept 1, do think that its too soon?
DrThatcher: Lynne--We know that with patients with PCOS egg quality is diminished usually there are some good eggs after IVF harvest. Sometimes ICSI may help.
Steph: Dr Thatcher I was just recently dx with pcos and I am wondering if all women with pcos are IR? What is the best treatment for PCOS? (I am concerned with the weight gain 40lbs in 1 year, acne, and hair growth!)
hopie: Dr. Thatcher, I have low progesterone and am on suppistories which I start right after ovulation. How do they know for sure that I ovulated if I am on suppistories. Before suppisotires, my prog was 5 and 7, after taking 50 mg nightly they were 37 to 47 on day 21.
Sarah: Dr. Thatcher, what is the best way to treat women with PCOS who aren't ttc?
rosie: Dr T what is tilte of book and when was it published?
Victoria: Dr Thatcher, do you know approximately the percentage of women who are effectively helped by taking met, actos, or other insulin-sensitizing drugs? Helped as in restored ovulation, etc. Are there any medications that are safe to ingest to lower testoserone levels while ttc?
StacyD: Dr Thatcher you ask me if I had a lap done I did have a HSG more than five years ago before we started all the fertility treatments do you think I need to have a lap do you think I may have endo
Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old, for 1 month in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...

Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
I am being tested for PCOS, but I will not be seeking infertility treatment because we have decided to adopt. Is treatment for PCOS needed for reasons other than infertility? What affect could it have on me later in life? Thanks, Elena
DrThatcher: Heidi--No...the options are ovarian drilling or IVF.
LEAHG: Dr T. Isn't ovarian drilling an old outdated pratice
erika77: Elena--it increases your risk for diabetes and heart disease
alexis: Dr. Thatcher, I know that fertility drugs often work well with PCOS patients. Is it more llikely, though, that a greater percentage of the eggs produced are not good quality?
DrThatcher: Elena---Our largest concern is insulin resistance and the possibility of type 2 diabetes--the second concern is uterine cancer which can be largely prevented by cycle regulation.
Heidi: Dr T, can u tell me what exactly ovarian drilling does for the ovaries?
rosie: Does anyone have regular Af with great BBT's and OPK's?
DrThatcher: Alexis--Yes, it is true that more eggs in PCOS patients are poor quality--fertility drugs increase the number of eggs and therefore increase the possibility of a good egg.
Elena: Dr. T., If PCOS is confirmed for me, how would you regulate my cycle?
Midge: What is the BEST diet for PCO woman?
Andi: Dr. Thatcher - My head is spinning with all this info. I have been diagnosed with PCOS for four years, and have had no treatment other than birth control pills. I am just now learning that there is so much more that should be done, but where do I start? Can my OB/GYN treat this, or must I see an RE?
kstrand: ? I have a question

Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old, for 1 month in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...

hopie: Rosie, I have regular Af, but false-postive OPK's and rollercoaster BBT
dawnne: good ? andi!
Scarlett: When does your book come out?
rosie: hopie, how do you know that OPK's are false positive? What causes false positive?
erika77: Dr. Thatcher--

A question was asked before that hope you will address. Does anyone know WHY this is happening to so many women???
Midge: Dr. T--What is the best diet for PCO woman that suffer from the weight problem?
DrThatcher: Heidi--ovarian drilling reduces the number of follicles and the amount of ovarian stroma. We are not sure of the exact mechcanism, but it gives the ovary a break, and often affords a window of chance for either normal ovulation or improvement with fertility drugs. It is best used in patients with very large ovaries or who have produced large numbers of follicles after fertility drugs.
hopie: Rosie - Cause I always got a positive even when it I wasn't anywhere near ovulation. My Re told me that PCOS pat usually have false-positive OPKs.
dawnne: Midge, I've read low carb. As in Dr. Atkins
Steph: DR I was just recently dx with pcos and I am wondering if all women with pcos are IR? What is the best treatment for PCOS? (I am concerned with the weight gain 40lbs in 1 year, acne, and hair growth!)
bak19: Dr. Thatcher do you think the benefits of metformin on weight loss are caused by the uncomfortable side effects?

rosie: Dr T is cd 21 progest level of 15 normal. Is this indicative of a definite ovulation? (egg burst through ovarian wall?)
StacyD: Dr Thatcher you ask me if I had had a lap done, no. I did have a HSG done five years ago before we started all the fertility treatments. Since you ask if I had had a lap do you think my pain between ovulation and my period be caused by endo. What about the weight gain over 120 pounds and I do have skin tags
Carm: Is IVM or IVF our only hope? ALso, if you are taking Estrace and CLomid, could it be possible that "too much" intake of estrogen will confuse the pituitary gland and the natural producing estrogen factors in the body turn themselves off?
DrThatcher: Midge---many are successful with low carb diets and the ADA is now suggesting only 3 to 500 calories a day reduction without concern for type of food. Ofcourse, saturated fats should be avoided. It is more important to achieve a healthy metabolic balence rather then just a diet.
Elena: What are skin tags?????
Midge: Dr. T--What is the best diet for PCO woman that suffer from the weight problem?
hopie: Dr. Thatcher - I have PCOS, Stage II endo and a Unicornuate uterus. What are my chances of acheiving pregancy with this many dx?
MelissaGA: I'd like to hear a little about PAI-1 and PCOS. I just had a m/c (7 weeks no fetal heartbeat)and I am concerned about the blood clotting. I am on one baby aspirin a day.
Victoria: Elena,
Skin tags are small, irritating flaps of excess skin
Andi: Elena... little bumps of excess skin on your body. Mine are on my legs, groin area mainly
Heidi: Dr T..can u tell me how much a normal drilling costs? Ballpark fugure?
LKP: Will met have a significant increase on egg quality also thinking ahead what is yr potistion on taking met in early preg to avoid miscarriage
DrThatcher: StacyD. The only way to diagnosis endo is by Lap. This may be a worthwhile procedure for you and pcos is usually signaled by more than just weight gain.
Sarah: Ladies, there is a book on PCOS, titled "PCOS--A Women's Guide to Dealing With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" by Colette Harris which will be available in September.
Midge: Thank you Dr. T
Elena: weird.... I don't think I've ever had any of those. Are they common with PCOS?
DrThatcher: Heidi---costs of ovarian drilling depends on region, doctor and hospital...and it is nearly the cost of IVF in your area.
Julie: hopie, I hope you dont mind if I ask you a question. I was told by my Dr that it is very rare for someone to have PCOS and Endo.. have you gotten your testosterone levels tested because of the PCOS? are they normal?
Victoria: elena, yes, fairly common, in pcos women with IR
Midge: Dr. T--What are the differences between Avandia & Metformin? Advantages & Disadvantages?
Julie: Sarah, thanks for that tip!
erika77: Dr. Thatcher--

A question was asked before that I hope you will address. Does anyone know WHY this is happening to so many women???

Steph: What is Endo?
Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old, for 1 month in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...

bak19: there is Dr. Thatcher's book as well Could you tell us if it is available yet?
Midge: Julie, I have a slight endo problem.
LEAHG: elena, I beleive the tags are realted to inuslin resistance. i only have 2 under my arm
DrThatcher: Hopie, this is a tough one and I would probably refer you back to the physicians that know you better. Sorry.
alexis: Dr. Thatcher: Here is the wierd thing. I got pregnant 1/1/2 years ago on the very first follistim cycle where only two eggs were produced and had a healthy baby. So I thought that that was a pretty good ratio of good to bad eggs. Now we are trying again and have already been through 4 follistim cycles, with at leaset 4 eggs each time and all other factors appeared normal, such as lining thickness and we checked the lining and tubes and sperm, and it is not working. This month, we also used progesterone suppositories. Would you recommend trying again, or moving on to IVF,where we would know that we were implanting good eggs? I am getting depressed.
Victoria: Dr Thatchers book is called:
PCOS: The Hidden Epidemic....went to press this week,
should be available Sept or sooner
rosie: Does everyone with Ir have symptoms: thirsty/frequent urination, skin tags?
hopie: Julie - My endo is associated with my uterine abnormality. I was born with only half of my uterus, right ovary and right tube. My Re said this abnormality goes hand in hand with endo. My only abnormal blood test was insulin resistance. My hormones were all normal.
Midge: Steph--Endometriosis

StacyD: Dr Thatcher can the weight gain have come from all the fetility drugs. We have done 6 IUI and 4 IVF and ICSI with the max stims per day. I have always had to take Lupron longer to shut my ovarvies down. I also am still producing small amounts of milk after two years of stopping breastfeeding. My OB/GYN did check my prolactin and came back fine. That was 6 months ago
Steph: Thanks Midge
hopie: Dr. Thatcher - I am the only case she has seen with the Unicornuate uterus in all of her years practicing. It is very hard to find info on this abnormality. Thank you.
Julie: hopie, I see. thanks for answering that for me...

Midge, do you have high testosterone?
DrThatcher: Alexis--first your cycle in which you became pregnant may have been a better cycle. I usually recommend IVF after three cycles of fertility drugs.
erika77: Shawn--I had that too, and my GYN told me that it's typical for PCOS. Be sure to have someone check it--you shouldn't bleed too long.
Midge: Julie--no
Andi: I have a bicoronate uterus... can these abnormalities be what triggers PCOS?
Midge: Dr. T--What are the differences between Avandia & Metformin? Advantages & Disadvantages?

rosie: Dr Tahtcher, is cd 21 progest level of 15 normal and does this mean that the egg definitely burst through ovarian wall?
kstrand: so what are the possible WHY'S of this problem? THEORY'S, etc?
Julie: midge, ok thanks
bak19: Dr. Thatcher how long do you into pregnancy would you have a patient stay on metformin?
Missy: Dr T what is the best treatment for PCOS? (My fasting number did not show insulin resistance but I have terrible weight gain, and skin tags, get tired after carbs?) thx
alexis: Is it more likely that a PCOS woman Is there something about conceiving the second time that is more difficult in PCOS women. My doctor has told me about other women who are having similar troubles. Is there anything else we need to check?
DrThatcher: Hopie, that is why I was vague. Often, the uterine defect will have no impact on pregnancy and in other cases it may prevent a pregnancy. Endo, is a very common consequence of uterine defect. It may get down to just trying IVF to see what happens and it is an expensive gamble.
Sarah: Dr. Thatcher, my doctor has said my fatigue is unrelated to PCOS. Is he correct?
Julie: kstrand.. I know I am not the Dr but I have heard that a new therory coming out is that PCOS is the result of childhood trauma..
Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old, for 1 month in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...

Midge: Dr. T--What are the differences between Avandia & Metformin? Advantages & Disadvantages?

rosie: Julie what kind of childhood trauma?
Victoria: julie,
the childhood trauma theory is a pretty old one actually, and I think unfounded
DrThatcher: Alexis, just the opposite, sometimes it is easier. Other times, age can get in the way. PCOS can worsen with age.
Marisa: Dr. Thatcher -- I had one child before I was dxd with PCOS after 13 mos ttc (no meds). I was having periods then. I have only had 2 in the 34 months since without taking provera or bcp. I am now taking metformin. What do you consider my chances for getting pregnant without anything else?
erika77: Julie/KStrand--childhood trauma??? Seems odd--because of stress?
Midge: Shawn--I have many skin tags. They are just a side effect. I haven't had mine removed...yet, so not sure if they will come back, but I bet they do.
CyndiL: Dr. Thatcher,
Could you tell us what other long term health problems could result from PCOS besides infertility
hopie: Thank you Dr. Thatcher. Apparently, I had to get the most uncommon uterine abnormality. Thank you again.
Heidi: Dr T..I have pcos...and u/s revealed about 20 follicles per ovary..is that a lot for a pcos person or in som cases have u seen much more? Thanks
Julie: rosie, rape, molestation, violence in the home...

Victoria, oh excuse me... its something new to me.. and definitly not unfounded in my case
bak19: skin tags are a symptom of insulin resistance and when removed sometimes grow back
Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I think it has affected my sex drive. Does MS have any affect on PCOS or on infertility in general?
DrThatcher: Midge--Both are insulin altering drugs--but of very different mechanism of action. MET and has the advantage of weight loss but the disadvantage of G.I. side effects. Advandia may cause weight gain but it is very easy to take. First line therapy is usually MET. and I follow it with Avandia and Actos. If insulin levels remain high.
rosie: I have one itty bitty skin tag in my armpit, but 3 of my best friend who have concieved eassily also have a few skin tags, which are larger than mine. do you think my tiny one is indicative of IR or just coincidence?
Midge: Dr. T--What are the differences between Avandia & Metformin? Advantages & Disadvantages?

hopie: Dr. Thatcher - How often should you have you insulin level tested?
DrThatcher: Cindi--we talked about this earlier...please read the transcript that will be posted on https://americaninfertility.org
Sarah: Dr. Thatcher, what is the best test to diagnose Insulin Resistance?
Julie: Dr Thatcher, this might get long winded.. sorry! I have extreme PCOS along with Syndrome X and IR... I had a bleeding episode when I was 18 years old, for 1 month in which the DR told my mother that I MIGHT have been pregnant and having a miscarriage. I am miscarried at 7 weeks last week and I have been bleeding constantly for 2 weeks now. Do you think there is a link to this long bleeding and that bleeding 5 years ago? I know you can know totally but I really think there is. That Dr never did a pregnancy test or even tell ME she thought I might have been pregnant...

CyndiL: Thanks!!
rosie: Julie, what about divorce, normal family dysfunction and stress realted to the two?
Midge: Thank you for answering all my questions!!! Good luck to all of you!!
bak19: for further information on PCOS go to AIA's pcos center.
DrThatcher: Hopie...We test insulin levels every one to three months, while the patient is on therapy or until we have a stable level.
hopie: Cyndi - I have read possible problems from PCOS is diabetes, heart disease, uterine cancer.
Marisa: Dr. Thatcher -- I had one child before I was dxd with PCOS after 13 mos ttc (no meds). I was having periods then. I have only had 2 in the 34 months since without taking provera or bcp. I am now taking metformin. What do you consider my chances for getting pregnant without anything else?

rosie: Dr T cd 21 progest level of 15. Is that normal and does it mean that egg definitly burst through ovarian wall???
MelissaGA: I'd like to hear a little about PAI-1 and PCOS. I just had a m/c (7 weeks no fetal heartbeat)and I am concerned about the blood clotting. I am on one baby aspirin a day.
Julie: rosie, I would think so.. but someone here told me that I was wrong.. so i dont know I guess...
DrThatcher: Shawn---very easy--- there is either too much or too little hormonal stimulation of the uterus. Both are possible with PCOS. Ultra sounds can be an important tool for evalution.
Heidi: Dr T...u/s revealed about 20 follicles per ovary..is this a lot for a person with pcos..and in some cases have u seen more?
rosie: Julie, where di you hear about childhood stress and PCO?
Carm: Please answer my question. Is IVM or IVF our only hope?
bak19: Dr. Thatcher how far into pregnancy do you keep a patient on Metformin?
Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
I know you already addressed what problems a person with PCOS might have later in life, but are there any treatments recommended if a person is not going to seek actual infertility treatment? Or are the treatments the same? Will insurance pay if the treatment is not for the purpose of conceiving?
Julie: rosie, my mother goes to school with someone that heard that from her Dr in Massachusetts....
DrThatcher: Heidi--Unfortunately many pcos patients will have number like you..this may be an indication for the drilling procedure.
Andi: I have been diagnosed with PCOS for four years now, and have only been treated with birth control pills. I seem to have all the signs of IR, and I realize that I must get further treatment, but I don't know how to find an RE, and I trust my OB/GYN... could my OB/GYN treat this, if I provide her with some of this info, or should I seek out an RE?
Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. I think it has affected my sex drive. Does MS have any affect on PCOS or on infertility in general? Thank you.

lynne: what is IVM?
bak19: Dr. Thatcher how far into pregnancy do you keep a patient on metformin?
erika77: *
Julie: DR please answer this if you can.. I am just looking to see in your opinon if having a month old bleed almost 5 years ago, and the two week bleed I am currently having from a miscarriage could be related. the bled 5 years ago wasnt diagnosed.. the dr just let it go
Marisa: Dr. Thatcher -- I had one child before I was dxd with PCOS after 13 mos ttc (no meds). I was having periods then. I have only had 2 in the 34 months since without taking provera or bcp. I am now taking metformin. What do you consider my chances for getting pregnant without anything else?


DrThatcher: bak19--very controversial--one study has suggested a decrease in miscarriage rate. It makes good sense to continue until about 8 weeks, however, we are still very unsure about this recommendation.
melanie: Dr Thatcher ....I am 38 yrs old have a daughter 14 was on dexamethasone 50mg got preg. then had 3 miscarriages (was on dex. 50mg and clomid 100mg) have been trying to conceive. was diagnosed with pco in 1984. have been on metformin for 4 months just upped dosage to 1500mg from 1000 as I have started to have regular cycles on my own (3) but have just found out I'm still not ovulating ...Would you please tell me what treatment you would consider next. Had laparoscoy and tubes are clear cycst were removed... Thanks

MelissaGA: shawn: go to www.pcosupport.org and check out the healthcare directory
LKP: does met significantly increase egg quality
bak19: Dr. Thatcher do you feel 8 weeks in still on metformin is being conservative?
Heidi: Dr T...do u know if ovarian drilling is considered a infertility treatment, as far as insurence companies go, or is it considered a surgury for cysts?
lynne: Can anyone please tell me what IVM is?
DrThatcher: Elena--it is possible that MS will affect sex drive. The affect on fertility is really unknown, but I have had several patients that have had a combination of MS and infertility that I thought was related.
StacyD: Shawn I don't know of any in Austin but my RE is in Ft Worth and we saw for two IVF and ICSI cycles and got pregnant both times
Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
I know you already addressed what problems a person with PCOS might have later in life, but are there any treatments recommended if a person is not going to seek actual infertility treatment? Or are the treatments the same? Will insurance pay if the treatment is not for the purpose of conceiving?

Julie: lynne, yes it is In Vitro Maturation.. where the unmatured eggs are harvested out of the ovaries and matured in vitro... very new
MelissaGA: I'd like to hear a little about PAI-1 and PCOS. I just had a m/c (7 weeks no fetal heartbeat)and I am concerned about the blood clotting. I am on one baby aspirin a day.
rosie: Dr T is cd 21 progest level of 15 good? Also does this indicate that egg definitely burst through ovarian wall?
StacyD: Shawn I forgot to tell you their names Drs. Kevin and Kathleen Doody they have patients fly in form all over the world to see them
Julie: lynne, it is supposedly a good treatment for PCOS patients but the stats havnet been all that good for live births
erika77: Dr. Thatcher--

Does anyone know WHY this is happening to so many women???

lynne: Thanks Julie...I had never heard of it...
DrThatcher: Bak19-to the contrary many would consider that to be aggressive and most are stopping met when a pregnancy is diagnosed. Right or wrong.
Julie: DR please answer this if you can.. I am just looking to see in your opinon if having a month old bleed almost 5 years ago, and the two week bleed I am currently having from a miscarriage could be related. the bled 5 years ago wasnt diagnosed.. the dr just let it go

lynne: Anyone have any experience with NYU or Mt. Sinai in NYC?
StacyD: Shawn it depends on if your employer in Texas had opted to carry the fertility coverage
Julie: lynne, you are welcome
Missy: Dr Thacher- Dr T what is the best treatment for PCOS? (My fasting number did not show insulin resistance but I have terrible weight gain, and skin tags, get tired after carbs?) thx
Marisa: Dr. Thatcher -- I had one child before I was dxd with PCOS after 13 mos ttc (no meds). I was having periods then. I have only had 2 normal periods in the 34 months since without taking provera or bcp. I am now taking metformin 1500mg/day. What do you consider my chances for getting pregnant without anything else?

MIa: What is an Insulin/Glucose ratio? What is the normal range? My insulin is 14 / Glucose plasma is 75.
DrThatcher: Erika- there has always been PCOS---it is just now being correctly recognized for what it is. About five to ten% of all women have PCOS.
LindaM: Dr. Thatcher
Hi and greetings from Raleigh! My girls are now 15 weeks old today! I took them by Dr. Heaton's office last week. They are beautiful and perfect. I just want to thank you for not giving up on Alex and I. They are ture miracles of your wonderful work! Tell everyone "hi" for me at the office! Love, Linda Mayakis
Victoria3: Hi. I was wondering if anyone had any
comments for treating endometriosis and PCO
at the same time.
Missy: Lynne- I know that there are some great doc's on the east coast. I would check out the directory @ www.pcosupport.org. I think.... there is a Dr. Futter... there, we were talking about him or her at the chart on Tues. It should be listed there. HTH
bak19: The AIA would like to thank Dr. Thatcher for his time - for more info on PCOS join the AIA and visit the PCOS center on our website.
Victoria3: I have listed some docs on the east
coast on my web pages.
DrThatcher: Mia--The normal range of insulin is under 15 and some say ten...Normal Glucose level is less than 120 fasting. I find that these levels to be more important than the ratio. Even more important is the stimulated levels of glucose and insulin after glucose tolerance testing.
lynne: Thanks Missy..I was wondering if anyone had any experiences with a Dr. Grifo or Dr. Nasseri..
LKP: Does met increase egg quality?
bak19: phsician referals are available from the AIA
Sarah: Lynne, It's Dr. Futterweit and he is listed in the PCOSUPPORT.ORG site.
Julie: DR please answer this if you can.. I am just looking to see in your opinon if having a month old bleed almost 5 years ago, and the two week bleed I am currently having from a miscarriage could be related. the bled 5 years ago wasnt diagnosed.. the dr just let it go

lynne: Thank you Dr. Thatcher!
Elena: Dr. Thatcher,
I know you already addressed what problems a person with PCOS might have later in life, but are there any treatments recommended if a person is not going to seek actual infertility treatment? Or are the treatments the same? Will insurance pay if the treatment is not for the purpose of conceiving?

Rebecca: Dr. Thatcher, how effective is ovarian drilling for PCO patients??
rosie: Is Dr Thatcher gone already??
Julie: I would hope not. I sat here for an hour and didnt get my question answered = ((((
MIa: Dr. Thatcher, my last cycle was the first 'normal' cycle I have had. It was my first month of Met 1000 MG. Today is CD 13, has CM and went in for a cervical mucus/post-coital test but the Dr could not find any sperm though we had intercourse 7 hrs. earlier? Husband's semen analysis came back normal. Don't know what to do?
TamiK: Dr. Thatcher, is it possible to ovulate without having a period?
Sarah: OMG! My fasting insulin was 23 and my doctor said that was normal!
StacyD: Shawn awhile back the Parents or parenting magazine did an article on a Re in Austin or San Antonio that was suppose to be good. I just can't remember which mag it was you might check their web sites and email them to see which did the article
TamiK: I was mowing the grass and forgot about this until just now. Hope Dr. Thatcher is not gone.

lynne: Tani: I don't think so..only if you ovulated and didn't get your period because you were pregnant. Although it is possible to get your period and not ovulate all the time. At least that's what one of my books tells me. Hope this helps.
DrThatcher: Victoria--Difficult subject...certainly fertility drugs would be an answer to treating PCOS and endo at the same time. Another option maybe ovarian suppression using GnRh analogs (lupron) which would suppress endo and pcos..there may be increase fertility after the therapy is stopped. It is also possible to treat endo and PCOS surgically. In the final analysis, the question becomes does PCOS lead to endo. It could be argued either way. Persons with PCOS may be less likely to ovulate and therefore, may have less chance of regular periods and endo, on the other hand, the environment of continuous estrogen at lack of period may stimulate endometrial growth.
MIa: Dr. Thatcher, I would like to THANK YOU VERY MUCH for taking the time out to answer our questions.
Julie: DR please answer this if you can.. I am just looking to see in your opinon if having a month old bleed almost 5 years ago, and the two week bleed I am currently having from a miscarriage could be related. the bled 5 years ago wasnt diagnosed.. the dr just let it go

DrThatcher: TamiK--only once--periods follow ovulation in which a pregnancy is not established.
TamiK: Lynne, Thank you. Some friends told me that you could, but I wasnt' sure.
lynne: Dr. Thatcher..on behalf of Julie..Can you answer her question about her bleeding episodes? It sounds like a real serious question and not one that many books or websites might cover..Thanks
DrThatcher: Julie, I am unsure what you are asking...I don't understand the question. Sorry.
rosie: Dr I will ask this one mor time. Is cd 21 progest level or 15 normal and does this mean that egg definitely burst through ovarian wall. Also cd3 LH was 8 and FSH was 5.8. How do those numbers sound?
TamiK: Dr. Thatcher - Thank you for answering. I have not had a period in over a year, and have always been like that. I do have PCOS, and am currently on 1500mg Met. Any suggestions?

Missy: Dr T what is the best treatment for PCOS? (My fasting number did not show insulin resistance but I have terrible weight gain, and skin tags, get tired after carbs?) thx
Sarah: Missy, I'm curious, what was your fasting number?
Julie: I had written it out an hour ago and shortened it so you would read it.. I had a month long bleeding episode in which I bled for a month... vaginally... The dr told my mother is was most likely a miscarriage but never tested for it. so I will never know. I found out i am miscarrying currently and have been bleeding for 2 weeks. I am trying to figure out if I can relate this miscarriage to the bleeding I had almost 5 years ago.. and was just wondering your opinon on that
Missy: My numbers were Glucose 76 and Insulin 5
lynne: Rosie: I'm no Dr but that FSH sounds great. Apparently anything under a 6 is fantastic for ovarian reserve. I'm not sure about the LH though..sorry! Is the Insulin Resistance test a blood test? Is it one that would be done in a routine blood work?
DrThatcher: Mia--Great! It seems the met is working. The PC test is a very poor indicator of anything. Trust your semen analysis and act on the CM.
Julie: lynne, thanks.. my question isnt a very good one.. but I am trying to just get a medical opinon.. that Dr I saw 5 years ago I dont see anymore.. I am thinking or getting my records from there soon
Victoria3: Thanks Dr. Thatcher
Sarah: Thanks Missy, Mine were higher and I think my doctor was wrong when he said they were in normal range.
lynne: Julie: There are no bad questions. I'm actually very interested in what the Dr's response would be. I'd get your records and run. I can't believe that Dr never tested you for a m/c.
DrThatcher: Julie, it is very difficult to say without a hcg level in the first case. It is easy for us all to confuse an episode of abnormal bleeding with a miscarriage. I would never say you were not pregnant five years ago. And in the present, you should be under the care of a doctor. Thanks for rewriting your question.
MIa: Dr. Thatcher, my last cycle was the first 'normal' cycle I have had. It was my first month of Met 1000 MG. Today is CD 13, has CM and went in for a cervical mucus/post-coital test but the Dr could not find any sperm though we had intercourse 7 hrs. earlier? Husband's semen analysis came back normal. What next?

ddloveable: it the discussion still going on??
MIa: Dr. THatcher, one more question, the past three cycle I ovulated around CD 20-21 and got AF on CD 32-35. I am unsure if I am ovulating b/c the OPK's are not very reliable though my BBT's show a shift after CT 20-21 & temps stay up until AF. I don't want to try another cycle of clomid, unsure what to do next?

DrThatcher: Mia, we answered your question a few moments ago...please scan down or check the transcripts...
Julie: Dr Thatcher, thanks for answering it.. I know there will never be a yes or no... I am in the care of a specialist.. thanks again
Julie: lynne, I think I am going to.. it was total negligence on her part.. it was all because my father didnt have ins coverage on me and my parents were getting a divorce...
LKP: Does met increase egg quality so that the cycles (with injectable meds) on met have a higher conception rate than those before I was on the met?
MIa: Thanks Dr. Thatcher.
Rebecca: Dr.Thatcher, what is your opinion on ovarian drilling versus metformin?
TamiK: Dr. Thatcher - Thank you for answering. I have not had a period in over a year, and have always been like that. I do have PCOS, and am currently on 1500mg Met. Any suggestions?

rosie: Dr T cd 3 Lh of 8 FSH 5.8. Normal? Also cd21 progest of 15. Normal? also does that definitely mean that egg burst through ovarian wall?
lynne: Julie: I hate to hear stuff like that. For 10 years my Dr's never thought to test my prolactin even though I complained constantly of irregular periods..then they threw clomid at me like it was candy. Finally the RE I'm with now (i adore that man) found out about my hyperprolactinemia and possible PCOS inside of a month.
DrThatcher: Mia---ovulation detection is unreliable if cycles are over 35 days. Very few pregnanies are achieved with ovulation after about CD 18. If Clomid has been unsuccessful after 3-4 months, it is probably time to move on. This is a good time to determine if an insulin altering medication may be of benefit and I may go there before fertility drug injections.
Carm: Is IVM or IVF our only hope.
Missy: Dr Thatcher did you see my ???
Julie: lynne, very sorry to hear that.. I got treated like that for years also.. glad you are in better care!
lynne: I wonder if I should ask my RE about the metformin....
Julie: lynne, certainly.. it never hurts to ask
Missy: I can relate to you all I have a Doc. right now that will not release my US... He said that all he will release is the report and I asked for him to call me and will not return my calls.
lynne: Dr. Thatcher..Interetsing answer to Mia's question. Can you tell me why pregnancy rarely happens with ovulation so late? Is a late ovulation indicative of luteal phase defect even if AF comes later?
DrThatcher: Rosie, I believe that anytime the LH is greater than the FSH early in the cycle it is a strong indicator of PCOS. The good news is the FSH is not elevated suggesting adequate egg stores. CD21 of 15 I consider borderline. Many would call this ovulatory, but we cannot say with certainity.
Carm: Ladies- I got really bumbed out when the dr (here tonight) told me that the reason my Estrogen drops is due to poor egg quality. DOES ANYONE ELSE HAVE PROBLEMS WITH THEIR ESTROGEN LEVELS? PLEASE RESPOND I AM FEELING QUITE DESPERATE.
lynne: Missy..Do you live in the NY/NJ area? I can recommend a great RE.
Julie: Missy, sorry to hear that
Sarah: Dr. Thatcher, my endocrinologist refused to prescribe Metformin for me because he said my levels weren't high enough to justify it. My fasting insulin was 23, should I get a new doctor?
MIa: Dr. Thatcher, since Clomid has not worked the past 4-5 cycles (except I see a thermal BBT shift and get an AF), is it better to try it with Met and HCG before moving onto Metrodin and other injectibles?
rosie: Thanks Dr T
Julie: carm, are you talking about estrogen or estradiol? I might be VERY wrong.. but I thought they were different
DrThatcher: Lynn--with delayed ovulation there is a greater chance of defective eggs. Either the egg will not be fertilized or there is often an early pregnancy loss. Egg development requires precise synchrony.
lynne: What # represents a high FSH level? Mine is 4.29 but I thought the levels could vary from month to month..Why is that?
Carm: Julie - I believe they are one and the same
TamiK: Has anyone tried Met and it not worked for them, and went on to something else? If so, what?

lynne: Dr. Thatcher...When I had been on clomid..I had 33 day long cycles with ovulation occuring around days 19 or 20 sometimes. Now, with the Repronex my cycles are much shorter and ovulation aoocurs around day 12 or 13 or 14 (after the HCG shot of course). Is clomid associated with longer cycles?
DrThatcher: My thanks to Pam for being my hands, I am sure that her typing was better than mine, but I know that she is getting tired and it is time to go. I will do my best to answer any unanswered questions on AIA's PCOS message board tomorrow. Please post your question there tonight, and thanks everyone for participating in tonight's chat, I hope that I was of help. Bye for now!
TamiK: Thanks for your help Dr. Thatcher!
Julie: carm, ok... well I know when I am doing medicated injectble cycles my estradiol increases very slowly.. meaning the follicles dont grow fast.. I did get pregnant once definitly.. I am still miscarrying now after being pregnant 7 weeks.. and maybe twice. so at least some of my eggs are ok and fertilizable.. if that helps any
Missy: Thanks Dr!
lynne: Carm: I'm sorry.. I just know that my estradiol hovers around 21 on cycle day 3..Is that bad?
Dave: Bye Dr. Thatcher.
From a past and future patient. :)
lynne: Thank you Dr! and Thank you Pam!
Rebecca: Thank you doctor!!
Julie: Tami, I tried Met, it didnt work.. made my insulin levels higher! So i am now on actos and its been almost 8 months and it has regulated my hormones.. but I still dont O on my own
lynne: Anyone on Dostinex for high prolactin?

lynne: Goodnight guys!
Dave: Howdy Emjay :)
Carm: Thanks to all who responded and God Bless
Dave: Hit the wrong button :)
Emjay: Hit the wrong button :)
Haven't been in here for a while.

Hey Dave! Hi everyone :)
Rebecca: Hello evryone!
Dave: Yep. I've hit the log out button a few times :)
Emjay: Hi Rebecca, how are you?
Dave: Hi Rebecca.
Rebecca: I'm doin okay I guess, and you???
Emjay: Hi christy!
Emjay: Rebecca, doing good thanks! Were you hear earlier with the doctor?
Dave: If anyone wants to read tonights chat transcript they can go here.
Raw format.
Rebecca: yes, but he was very busy and did not have time to answer my question. Oh well, I'll post it on the bulletim board like he sugessted! Were you here???
Emjay: It's hard to tell who is still in here...
Rebecca: You me, and Dave!!!
Emjay: Rebecca, unfortunately I missed it. Just came in. You have PCOS?
Dave: We had about 40 people earlier. I stayed behind the scenes making sure we had no pranksters. :)
Rebecca: I hope we don't get them very often!
Emjay: Hi Heather :)
Heather: I'm guessing I've missed the portion of the chat with Dr. Thatcher....
Dave: Rebecca. Not too often.
Heather: Hello, Emjay

Dave: Well. I better get out of here.
Take care everyone. :)
Emjay: I need to run too. Night everyone and ++ thoughts!
Rebecca: Good Night Dave!!!